Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June: The Month of the Cherry

ALSO how do I make apricot turtles happen in my life?
Okay, so I just declared this the month of the cherry. That's right. I can do that because I just decided I can do that.

I'm looking forward to buying some local cherries this weekend from Novakovich Orchards, right here in the Bay Area. The Orchards are located down the road in Saratoga, and they're stocking them at Draeger's in San Mateo, where I volunteer twice a week for a non-profit adult literacy organization.

So now it's time for cherry cobbler, cherry pie, cherry clafoutis, cherries all over some vanilla ice cream from Mitchell's, cherries with yogurt for lunch... Do I need to keep going?

If you want to be a total produce-nerd like me, read more about cherry sizing and types of cherries here. Just fascinating. When you work on a farm and learn about how one or two days, or even a few hours, can completely change the taste of your fruits and vegetables, it forces you to appreciate their delicacy so much more.

Cherries are my summertime sunshine. Welcome to the season of sweet. 

Flour and Sugar,
Carrie Melissa

Photo courtesy Kathy De La Torre for SJ Mercury News


  1. man woke up from falling asleep with celly, took out my contacts, came online to catch up on my blog reading of yours and realized i was a wee bit hungry. Just read this post and pictured Mitchell's ice cream, cherry yogurt, cobbler and now i am immensely craving cherries and ice cream NOW!!! (and yes it is 2am!!!) ay yay yay! cherry date soon por favor?

  2. YES. I want to make a cherry pie!
