Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is How You Know You're a Baking Addict

I resolved not to bake this week. I figured I shouldn't be eating as many pies and cookies right before my race. It has only been two days since I made this resolution.

Merely five minutes ago, I was sitting reading Jane Austen, forcing myself to relax, when I got up without really thinking and walked toward the kitchen to open the oven. Of course there was nothing inside. I'm just crazy and felt like there was. I could have sworn I had thrown a tart in there or something. Did I not?

I did, however, make an excellent okra curry for dinner. My mother returned from Tennessee today, and she brought me 30 lbs. of White Lily flour (yes, t-h-i-r-t-y, which should make about 300 pie crusts I think), some peanut butter moon pies that I am avoiding this week, and some fresh okra from my aunt's garden.

I followed this recipe, threw the okra in with half fresh tomatoes and half canned, and ate it with some plain yogurt and naan. Now I am happy as a clam.
Camera Phone Photo for Photographic Evidence that I eat things that don't contain butter.

And, no, I don't have a tart baking. I checked. Again.


  1. this reminds me of an okra gumbo i saw on tv recently! soo healthily yummy!

    hehe it looks like you're slightly hallucinating...mb it's normal in the pre-race phase ;) just think, after the race you have 300 pie crusts waiting for you.

  2. You are too cute! I'm also a sweets junkie and you'll find me baking something weekly if not daily. Thank God for stretch pants and long walks!

    My mom is southern (Texan) and has spoken of her hatred of moon pies for forever. Apparently her parents force fed them to her as a kid, and after the 4,000 one, she begged NO MORE. Me, I used to see them on occasion growing up and would plead with her to buy them. I think she succumbed once. Your PB version sound delish!! ENJOY (after the race) ;)

  3. Oh girl, leggings are my best friend. Gotta love the elastic waistband.

    That's terrible that your mom was force-fed moon pies! That sounds awful. The PB ones are more like cookies-- they don't have the marshmallow, fluffy, outer-spacey interior.

    I enjoyed a quarter of one after the race, and then proceeded to eat a BIG slice of blueberry buttermilk pie :)
