Monday, November 12, 2012

Pictoral Updates to Capture Some Moments

So many, many things are changing in my life right now. I can hardly keep up with how much my perspective changes from day to day. Here is a short rundown...
I've been back in the kitchen, but not as much as I'd hoped. I still keep pie crust on hand.

I moved into an apartment in the Dogpatch, and I love every minute I spend here.

I went to Craftsmen and Wolves and died from happiness after consuming this brownie.

I have this view of the city if I walk up the hill by my house. Lately there's been no fog.

I made one last pie at the end of summer: blueberry-peach lattice

I work here now. I am grateful.

I run here now a few times a week. Also grateful. 

I got up and left the country for two weeks, and it made me realize so many things that are missing or that I have missed.

I spent many afternoons in parks, wandering around Paris by myself.

See? By myself. No one to take pictures of, only my feet. Also grateful for this.

I ended up in Italy too. I had this view in the mornings.

So, yes, baking is still on the backburner. Every time I make a pie, people ask why I stopped doing it. I never have come up with a solid answer except to say that it's exhausting to be so passionate about something, to be so obsessive about it. It's draining. One day, I'll return to it, but for now, I'm wandering the world by myself and sometimes not-so by myself, as I let the changes wash over me and learn to be grateful for love given and received-- in pie form or not.

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