Last night, I was working on an order for some pie pop samples, and I happened upon this wonderful discovery: chocolate chess pie makes a bombass pie pop. It can be majorly sweet, so it balances out the crust heaviness of the pop.
How do you do it? All you have to do is quarter a recipe for chocolate chess pie and use it in the recipe I posted a few months back. How does one quarter a recipe for chocolate chess pie? See below. Thank me later.
Recipe for a Teeny Tiny Batch of Chocolate Chess Pie (yields about two dozen pie pops)
1/4 cup unsalted butter (4 tbsp)
1/2 oz. of semisweet chocolate (that is half of one of those Baker's chocolate squares, which is what I prefer to use), chopped into chunks for easier melting
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 egg (you'll use half for the batter and the other half for an egg wash over the pops)
1/4 tsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt
1. Melt the butter over low heat in a saucepan. Once the butter is melted, immediately turn off the burner and drop in the chocolate. Don't stir. Just swirl the chocolate around until it melts into the butter.
2. While the chocolate is melting, place the sugar in a small bowl and whisk in HALF of an egg. Just approximate. You don't have to be too crazy about it. Whisk together until blended. Whisk in the vanilla and sea salt.
3. When the chocolate has melted, whisk it into the sugar mixture.
4. Place this in the fridge and let it harden a bit (1+ hours). It will be much easier to work with.
5. Preheat the oven to 325F and bake for about 20 minutes, but otherwise follow all the instructions for making pie pops. I like to use an egg wash and then generously sprinkle granulated sugar on top.
Note: It's best to bake these near the bottom of the oven so the filling doesn't bubble out. If it does, it isn't the end of the world. You can clean them up after.
Totally Optional: dip half the pie pop in caramel sauce and top with a few flakes of sea salt. Again, optional, but it will make you a badass.
A chess pie in pop form does sound delicious, glad to come across this recipe. Sometimes just a bite is all you need especially when friends are over. Very creative and delicious!